Hi there. My name is Sean. I’m a web developer living in Richfield (Minneapolis) Minnesota, and a member of the Richfield City Council.

Sean Hayford Oleary

My Work

Sean Hayford Oleary Design logo

Web Developer

I am an independent web developer, creating custom WordPress sites.

My sites are clean, responsive, and secure.

City of Richfield logo

Public Servant

I am a member of the Richfield City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority.

I also serve as liaison to Metro Cities, 35W Solutions, and the Richfield Transportation Commission.

Bike-walk logo


I am an advocate for safe streets, responsible growth, and good governance.

My involvement includes being a former chair of Bike Walk Richfield, and a contributor to Streets.mn. I currently maintain the urbanMSP forum.

You can find many of my articles about urban design and cities on the articles section here.

My Background

University of Minnesota M logo

Masters of Urban and
Regional Planning
University of Minnesota Humphrey School

St. Olaf College lion logo

Bachelors Degree
St. Olaf College

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